+7 776 577 22 72
Власть.kz: The kids are not okay (2019)
«Hyperborea»: Elections-2023: How to campaign, observe, vote? (2023)
Radio Azattyk: Observers: The CEC exaggerated the number of voters in Almaty (2023)
Radio Azattyk: The sword of Damocles is over the heads of independent observers. Election Eve Alarms (2023)
Radio Azattyk: "Let it hold out, the mobile group is on its way." Report from the Office of the Observer Coordinators (2023)
The Republic: "New elections according to the old scenario." Opinion of Daniyar Moldabekov (2023)
The Republic: Irina Mednikova: "Build your America in Kazakhstan" (2023)
Astana TV: "Living Library" people about books (2016)
Almaty TV: Under special control: Why are Kazakhstani youth trying to go abroad to study? (2020)
24.kz: Daniyar Beksultan on the TV Channel 24.kz (2013)
24.kz: Vasilina Larina on the TV Channel 24.kz (2013)
Polyton Club: Elections (2019)
Rfi.fr: For the poster — to prison: youth of Kazakhstan for fair elections (2019)
BARIBAR.KZ: Irina Mednikova: young people do not succumb to the fact that the elections were held with an old scenario (2022)
TEDxYouth@AbaySt: CIS youth: control and search for freedom (2019)
СА Монитор: Межэтническая напряженность
Voxpopuli: ZhasCamp
ТК Казахстан: ZhasCamp
Inform: Kazakhstani youth do not want to go to the polls
Matrix: Young people have a passive attitude toward elections
Радиоточка: Ирина Медникова: "Нам непонятна концепция государства - как оно хочет развивать молодежь
Радиоточка: Маслихаты: взять и отменить? – "Радиобаста"
Радиоточка: Молодежная политика в Казахстане – исследование "Радиоточки"
Радиоточка: Ирина Медникова: “В Казахстане нет исследований по молодежной политике”
Face to face: Ирина Медникова: Молодежь интересуется бизнесом365: The city authorities ignore the number of cyclists
Бизнес и власть: Анатомия казахстанской молодежи
CA Monitor: Зачем нужны отчетные встречи с акимами?
Радиоточка: Кто попадет в Совет по молодежной политике
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