
The School of Civic Education
A series of lectures and master classes on the structure of the state, politics and human rights from well–known public figures, political scientists, human rights defenders, journalists and researchers.

Documentation Qantar 2022
Documentation Qantar 2022– it is a record of eyewitness accounts and their evidence for future investigations and advocacy for human rights, as well as for historical memory.

ZhasCamp (non)Conference
Informal conference dedicated to youth social initiatives has been held in Kazakhstan and Central Asia since 2010. Our goal: is to involve young people in social activity, create networks and spread the best practices of social development.

School of human rights
The training platform, which educates young human rights defenders in Kazakhstan, has been operating since 2015. We teach the basics of the concept of human rights, followed by in-depth study of international law in this area and the technology of human rights protection, which is called advocacy. In addition, mini–grants for human rights initiatives are awarded. The course takes place once a year in summer.

In 2004, the first law “On State Youth Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan” was adopted. We proposed to develop the document 4 years earlier. Since then, we have regularly made suggestions to improve it.

League of Young Voters
This is an independent youth election observation project. We also teach young people about electoral rights and protect their rights on voting day.

It is a new educational platform for young entrepreneurs, students and teachers of business majors, which teaches sustainable business development.

This is a competition of technological solutions in the areas of health and education, digital access and citizen participation, Internet security and media literacy, aimed at protecting the rights and implementing the interests of citizens in the digital environment.

This collection presents ten fairy tales dedicated to human rights. Each of the fairy tales ends with a moral conclusion and a description of the law from any article of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.